Friday, January 25, 2019

English Essay on "CORRUPTION" Complete Essay for class 9, 10 & 12.

                   ENGLISH ESSAY ‘CORRUPTION’ FROM 450 TO 500 WORDS 

There is no doubt that after independence, Pakistan has progressed in many areas. But it is also rightly said that the two factors which characterize the Central and State governments in our country are Minus efficiency and Plus corruption. If Pakistan has flourished in any sphere, that is corruption. Pakistan is in the grip of the worst form of corruption. Corruption in the country’s public and administrative life has considerably increased during the last two decades. A corruption, to a certain degree is a legacy of the British reign and is not peculiar to Pakistan alone but is a universal phenomenon.

Official files and documents do not move unless the palms of the concerned officials are greased. One cannot get the official copy of a court judgment from the copying agency of the court unless one pays some extra money to the typist, besides paying the official court fees. An honest man’s application is subjected to delays by red Taoism. Corruption in some public-dealing offices has reached a saturation point and people have started taking corruption for granted. The lot of the common man is miserable as he has to stand in long queues, grease the palm of petty peons and clerks and put up with tyrannies all around whereas businessmen and industrialists are aware of the fact that they can get anything done by paying bribes. We all talk about corruption but the half – hearted measures taken to root out corruption are neutralized and turn out to be a futile exercise.
Our leaders do not seem to be keen on removing corruption and one gets the impression that these leaders themselves are responsible for the corruption in the country. Inquiry Commission and Investigating Committees are merely an eye-wash as the ministers are not concerned with any real purpose served as such and the result is that corruption is eating into the vitals of our society. It seems extremely difficult to clean the Augean stables of corruption.
Some great statesmen and intellectuals have advocated that some eminent statement, with no political ambitions, should constitute themselves into a National Forum, should collect and process material regarding complaints, and prima facie cases can be established to publish their findings and press the government to appoint regular Commissions of inquiry.
Most ministers spend large sums of money to win elections, which to most of them are investments to be recovered with compound interest. Politicians are, thus far more liable to corruption.
The cure of corruption may lie in the appointment of a register of public grievances against the administration, who is appointed by the Parliament and who enjoyed great authority and whose main function should be to handle citizens complaints against administrative abuse, incompetence and corruption.

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