Wednesday, February 6, 2019

English Essay on "Economic Planning" Complete Essay for class 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘Economic planning’ FROM 650 TO 700 WORDS

The meaning of economic planning differs from country to country and person to person. Keeping in view various definitions we can say that aim of all the plans is to utilize the available resources more effectively achieving the well defined objectives during a given period of time.
Today planning is considered essential for economic development. The objective of the planning is to utilize the resources of the country in such a manner that it should increase the size of the national income. In the less developed countries like Pakistan, Planning is very useful for increasing the production of the country.
The decisions of planning authority are more superior as compared to individual’s decisions. Economic planning considers what and how much is to be produced and to whom it is to be allocated. While making these decisions, planning authority keeps in view the interest of the whole nation. It prepares the plan according the economic conditions of the country.
In the less development countries and in advanced countries the objectives of the planning are to achieve full employment.  Pakistan is also trying to reduce the unemployment through effective planning. The objective of the each five year plan was to create more jobs for the people.
 In the capitalistic countries the gap between wealthy and poor is increasing. It creates social evils. Through planning we can reduce the inequalities of wealth.
Balanced growth strategy can be adopted through planning. It will improve the condition of all the sectors of the economy.
Planning also provides the solution of over population. If the size of population is greater than the size of natural resources, it can be adjusted through planning. In various countries family planning programme has controlled the birth rate.
Today without industrialization no country can improve its economic condition. For the establishment of new industries and projects planning is essential. Many countries of the world are facing the food shortage problem. This problem can be solved by the mobilization of resource through planning.

The provision of social services is also the main aim of the planning. For example in Pakistan during the seventy five tears plan various facilities like housing, transport and water were provided to the people. The balance of payment of the less developed countries like Pakistan remains deficit. It adversely affects the rate of economic growth. Through coming up with government will scale back imports and may increase the exports.
In the less development countries people have low per capital income. Having low income, their rate of saving is very low. While savings are small in a country, Investment will also cause low productivity. When production will be low income is bound to be low. So a financially poor country is trapped in his own poverty. A poor country can get rid of poverty, if its rate of capital formation increases than the rate of population growth. So capital formation is that the key to economic development. Through planning, we can increase the rate of savings and investment in the country. In this way national income will rise and poverty will be removed.

There are certain factors which inhibit the effective planning. For example there is a need of accurate statistical date about the various sectors of economy. In Pakistan available statistical data is incorrect, so planning in ineffective in the less developed countries people are also not ready to provide various information’s about their income and expenditures. It becomes the cause of failure of plan. Effective planning also requires the political stability. But Pakistan is facing political unrest since 1948.
Certain measures should be taken to make the planning successful. For example, only technical persons should be appointed in drawing up and execution of the plans. Accurate information about the economy should be provided to the planners. The strategy of self reliance should be adopted and dependence on foreign aid should be reduced. For the successful planning competent and honest administration is essential if we remove the obstacles in the way of economic planning? We can improve our economic condition. Economic planning has proved helpful for under developed countries.