Thursday, February 7, 2019

English Essay on "Terrorism" Complete Essay for class 10 & 12.


In any set-up, there are legitimate, legal and peaceful means of expressing displeasure and disapproval of certain policies of the rulers. By non-violent means, a group of individuals can attract the attention of the government and put forward their demands.
A different method has come into existence. This is terrorism. A group of individuals decide to press for their demands by terrorizing people and the governments. They do so by indulging in violent activities in a secret way. They plant bombs and other explosive devices at public places kill men, women and even children and destroy property. They blow up the railways tracks to blow up trains. They kill important political figures to strike terror among masses. They also indulge in mass killing. They hijack to press for their demands. Sometimes, they form suicide squads which go about killing people and wreaking destruction by tying up bombs to their bodies. Terrorism has become a wide-spread and world-wide phenomenon. There have been terrorist activities in Palestine, Britain, Sri Lanka, the U.S.A., Arab countries, Israel, India, Pakistan and it seems that by and large, all parts of the world are affected by this menace of terrorism to a lesser or greater or greater degree.

Tackling terrorism has become one of the most important tasks of several governments of the world. The terrorists should be firmly dealt with. The government needs to tone up the Intelligence wing of the police so that information about their activities can be obtained and pre-emptive action taken. Besides, there should be strict, comprehensive and foolproof laws to bring the terrorists to book. However, laws and law-enforcing machinery can curb terrorism only to a certain extent. Certain other steps also need to be taken to effectively deal with this malady. For instance, cooperation of the general public is very essential. People should not panic. They should keep their heads cool and maintain communal harmony, as the objective of the terrorists is to bring about chaos in the country. Wherever possible, the terrorists try to incite communal hatred which may lead to a civil war so that they can overthrow the government.
The public should supplement the work of the police force by informing about any suspicious-looking object or shady-looking person moving about in a suspicious manner. Awareness among the public about the need to help the law-enforcing machinery goes a long way in tackling terrorism. The intellectuals of the country should come forward and denounce the terrorist from public platforms. Writers, journalists and poets should boldly write, condemning the acts of terrorism. This will inspire confidence and courage among the common men.
Religious leaders should also openly and clearly condemn terrorism. An appeal should go forth from mosques, temples, and churches against the acts of violence of the terrorists. The places of religion should not be allowed to be used by the terrorists. The moderate elements in the society should separate and assert themselves so that the extreme elements get isolated. Efforts should be made at the international level too. Several countries today are threatened by the malady of terrorism.
Last but not the least; the government should sincerely look into the demands of the agitating sections. The reasonable and legal demands which can be fulfilled within the framework of the constitution should be acceded to. This will prevent the agitation from aligning themselves with the terrorists.  The rulers should never act arbitrarily or dictatorially, for this is bound to lead to, sooner or later, militant resistance which is the first step towards terrorism.

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