is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. It is the most
popular form of entertainment. People belonging to all strata of society enjoy
seeing cinema. The aim is only entertainment. However, cinema is a great means
and media of education, promoting business and trade, bringing cultures closer
and cultivating healthy atmosphere. It also helps in establishing strong social
ties and removing the caste enmity and creating an atmosphere of
fellow-feeling. Cinema is a cheap means of recreation and social reformation.
most of the films produced in the modern times lay stress on easy and dizzy
life. They do not portray values of honesty, hard work and public well-being.
Film goers imbibe negative traits in their personality such as beating,
cheating, robbing and indulging in other anti-social and inhuman activities.
Most of the films now deal with sex, crime and violence. These films are
responsible for the increasing number of thefts, murders and rapes in the
night shows are full of poor labourers, rickshaw-drivers, truck-drivers and
other daily wage-earner who have no time during the day as they have to work to
earn a living.
cinema has got a great educative value. The documentary films on art, science
and history give first-hand knowledge to the uneducated masses. Cinema is an
effective means of propaganda against prevailing social customs and systems.
Historical films can promote our culture to new horizons and heights.
to the opinion of certain people and critics, cinema is more disadvantageous
than being advantageous. Vandalism, hooliganism, rapes, thefts, murders take
place after an evil person has seen a film. The cheap popular films leave a bad
influence on the impressionable minds of boys and girls. Stories depicting
indecent scenes of love and passion quite far away from the real life mar the
character of the young boys and girls and should not be screened. Cinema can
uplift the society in all the fields but caution needed so that it does not become
a curse.
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