Tuesday, February 5, 2019

English Essay on "Unemployment" Complete Essay for class 9, 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘unemployment’ FROM 400 TO 450 WORDS

Unemployment is an economic term, when folks are out of labor, they're same to be jobless. This is the main problem which the poor countries are facing. Pakistan is also facing this problem. In our country we find thousands of people holding Master degrees but they are jobless. They cannot even get the jobs of clerk. The use of tractors and other machines on farms has made a number of people idle. In the villages our farmer is busy only at the time of sowing and reaping. For more than half of the year he remains idle. The slow progress of the country is perhaps the greatest cause of unemployment. Many of our students cannot get enough jobs in industry due to slow industrial development.
Unemployment is a social evil. It spells starvation and poverty. We find many social evils like dishonesty, theft and corruption; in the society where as the rate of unemployment is high. Votes are sold and bought by the politicians easily. Revolutions and violence are the result of unemployment. Due to unemployment national income does not improve.
There are various causes of unemployment. First, the rate of population growth is very high. The resources of the country are not enough to bear the Burdon of such a large population. People are more, the jobs are few. The result is unemployment. Secondly, the development countries are facing the problem of capital shortage. In our country the rate of our industrial development is also very low. Thirdly, there is an un-equal distribution of wealth and few persons are keeping all the key industries with them. Our system of education is defective. In Pakistan the quality of labour is very poor. Technical education is neglected and we are producing unskilled labour. Our young men hate manual labour and remain unemployed. Use of machines has also increased the rate of unemployment in the country.

Keeping in view the causes of unemployment, we can adopt various measures to eradicate unemployment. The government t should established labour intensive industries in the country. The government should also provide liberal concessions and tax holiday to the private investors. In the rural areas small scale industries can be established to remove the disguised unemployment. Employment exchange offices should be established to provide proper information’s about the employment to the public. There should also be an effective check on the population growth.
Through family planning programme we can reduce the rate of population growth. Production should increase in all the sectors of the economy. The concept of education should be changed. In this way, we can reduce the rate of unemployment in our country.

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