Thursday, January 31, 2019

English Essay on "Controlling Wastage of Resources at home" Complete Essay for class 9, 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘controlling wastage of resources at home or how to manage waste at home’ FROM 500 TO 550 WORDS

Pakistan has abundant natural and man made resources. We are lucky to live in a country where we have many things at our disposal. However, we tend to be wasteful towards these important resources.
The most commonly wasted commodity is water. People have unhealthy habits of leaving the tap open while brushing teeth or washing utensils. Lot of unused water is thrown into drains. Instead, it can be used in watering the plants. It is very common in our country that leaking pipes are not repaired. Fresh water is precious, so it should not be wasted. It is only a matter of closing the tap after use. Little amount of water wasted at home contributes to a large amount of wastage collectively. If each one of us can save small amounts of water, all of us together can save plenty.
How to mange wastage at home

Electricity is easily available to us and is yet another resource at our disposal to waste. As much as electricity is consumed functionally, it is also wasted. Lights, fans, radio and other appliances are kept on even when not in use. We must make it a point to switch them off when we do not need them. It is just a matter of developing a habit to save. Once it is developed, we would not have to make a conscious effort. Not wasting electricity would also reduce the electricity bill. Large electricity bills leads to wastage of money also.

Another big wastage is food. Sometimes, excess foods are thrown away. We could feed stray animals from whatever is left of our food instead of wasting it by just throwing it away in the garbage bin.
We also become very careless in spending money at times and buy things which we do not need. We must understand the value of money and not overspend it in useless things.
Fuel is another important natural resource that we are wasting at a high rate. We must turn off our vehicles at traffic signals and be very careful in the consumption of fuel. We should also travel by public conveyances or join carpools.
 Wasting paper has become worrisome as paper is made out of wood and many trees are thus chopped. This is harming our natural environment. Therefore, we could try to use paper that can cue recycled. Tissue paper is a common example of wastage of paper. However, computers have effectively reduced the use of paper. Many organizations have aimed at becoming paperless, thus reducing huge amount of wastage.
There are many other examples of wastage at home. This can be controlled by a simple method of changing our habits. Use only what we need.
 We should also keep in mind that the resources that we are wasting are being made available with great difficulty. In some parts of our country, fresh water and electricity are unavailable. People have to travel long distances to fetch a bucket of water. Same applies to food. Many people are starving while we just waste it. We must get sensitive to the needs of others and use our resources efficiently.
If each individual takes it as his own responsibility to stop wasting, he is saving our country’s resources for future generations. Remember, charity begins at home.   

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