Monday, February 18, 2019

English Essay on "Racism" Complete Essay for 9, 10 & 12 Class Students.


Racism could be a belief that sure races of individuals are, by birth and nature; superior to others. Racism divided the world into superior and inferior classes. This belief is practiced commonly around the world. Racism is believed to be the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and the racial differences tend to make a particular race superior to others. It is one of the world’s major issues today. Racism exists in our schools, colleges, workplaces, public areas, etc.
Racial discrimination is often used to describe the differences between two human beings on the basis of ethnic or cultural basis differences. Other parameters like skin color, facial features, nationality, religion, caste, etc., also from the basis of racial discrimination. Racism is usually understood as either belief that totally different racial teams are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or skills which some such teams are thus naturally superior to others,or as practices that discriminate against members of particular racial groups.  Discrimination or hatred based on race is a clear reality in our society that affects all people. Although, racism is a social evil that continues to shatter and destroy lives of the people. There can be various causes and effects of racism in this world. Each individual experiences racism in some or the other form which affects his life differently.

Racial discrimination is practiced usually in any country towards the immigrants who have come to settle in their country and are taking away their employment opportunities. Many cases have come up where Pakistanis have been victimized of racial discrimination's in various countries. In the recent times, many Pakistanis are getting bright job opportunities in various countries and thus, these countries like Europe, Australia, and America have realized that Pakistanis are taking away the jobs which ideally should be given to their countrymen. Thus, the cases of racial discrimination against the ‘blacks’ are common around the world.
The effects of racial discrimination do not even spare children and so educational institutes like schools and colleges also show racial disparities in giving admissions. Taking a child’s right to find out is inappropriate, and whole wrong simply because of their race.
 Racial discrimination based on caste system has been very popular in Pakistan in the early ages. The people of religiously superior class and caste labeled the lower caste as untouchables and this unhealthy practiced continued for ling time. Racial discrimination did not allow them to seek admissions in good schools, work places, government positions, etc. This all lead to the reservation policies.
Effects of racial discrimination have a strong impact not only on the individual or the group who faced it, but overall on the society. It leads to frustration and anger among-st the whole race. Further, it sometimes results in protests, quarrels, and violence, riots in extreme cases.
The time has come that we as youngsters and future citizens of our country start realizing the evils of racism and try to control it on individual levels. As of now, there is no particular solution to this problem as people are afraid to discuss this issue openly. This is because it sometimes leads to extreme violent conditions and disturbance in the peace of the society and country.
Racial discrimination can be largely controlled and stopped by the education community. There is an understanding in the education community that it is essential to provide equal opportunity and access where everyone is treated the same. Racial and ethnology cultural heritage square measure valued, and an understanding and appreciation of variations in gender, ability, values, lifestyles, and language square measure inspired.
The governments of various countries and United Nations together are working to control this issue. Thus, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is the first body created by United Nations. This organization is called CERD (Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination).
On the individual level, and as responsible citizens, we should always be alert and aware to  avoid getting victimizes by racism, but wherever it is seen happening, we should take desired actions required to control and stop racial discrimination.

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