Tuesday, January 29, 2019

English Essay on "The Choice of a profession" Complete Essay for class 9, 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘The choice of a profession or my choice of profession’ FROM 500 TO 550 WORDS

In olden days, choosing a profession was no problem when a son could easily adopt his ancestral profession. However, choice of a suitable profession is a problem these days when so many qualified persons are without jobs. A Pakistani student is like a rolling stone gathering no moss. He goes on drifting from one profession to the other profession without any definite aim before him. The choice of a profession is a hard nut to crack, though it is a vital decision for, the whole future happiness and prosperity of individual depend on it.
A young man should proceed with caution and care in choosing a profession. There are many professions open to an intelligent and hard working person without hard work and intelligence, success is not possible in any profession. I too, am seriously thinking of a career for myself. I know that the choice of a profession depends on my taste and temperament. It is difficult to make a choice but one can have preferences. One can think of a number of professions such as administrative services, business, law, politics, business administration, engineering, medicine, teaching etc.

I don’t like to enter administrative services because the officers have to play a second fiddle to illiterate ministers. Business offers many opportunities to earn money but businessmen have no rest from work. They remain busy making money. Law holds no attraction for me. Legal profession does not suit men of honesty who do not like to compromise their principles. Moreover, an ordinary lawyer cannot make even both ends meet. Lawyers of long standing, no doubt, make money but a fresher has no future in this line.
As far as medicine is concerned, it is purely a matter of having special skill in the line. Engineers are more machines than human being. Politics, though quite a lucrative profession promises little to a man of character and morality. It is meant for the rich who have plenty of money and time to waste in electioneering and politicking and who are devoid of scruples. I don’t like to enter government service. I am an independent –minded individual and cannot submit myself to the rig ours of discipline of a government job. I don’t wish to enter the Defense service of the country as I have no aptitude for the fighting profession. I cannot subject myself to the rig ours of military discipline.
I think that I am cut for college lecturer ship. I am putting in all my efforts in preparing myself for lecturer ship in English language and literature. I am very fond of reading English literature, poetry, fiction, drama, biography etc. Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, Shelley and English prose writers are my passion. I shall, therefore, be very happy to become a lecture in English. The dignity and leisure of a lecturer’s life are great advantages.
A college teacher cultivates cheerfulness and contentment. He has no financial worries or business worries. Moreover, a lecturer leads an honest life. There are no opportunities in his way to be corrupt. I shall Endeavour to be a good teacher and a true friend, philosopher and guide to the young students.

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