Sunday, February 24, 2019

Teaching Techniques and Methodology

Whatever a teacher does in the class in order to make the lesson easy and interesting is called teaching techniques or devices. For this purpose he sometimes uses communication skills and sometimes he provides them the experience of audio-visual aids. Important such techniques are given below:

1. Narration technique:

Narration is a precised form of the story. In this technique objects, events or persons are picturized in such a manner that they stand before the eyes of the students. Narration is given in the same way as we do in stories. This technique is used to introduce a lesson as well as in the middle of the lesson to elaborate the concepts. A history teacher gives narration to picturize objects, events or persons and a science teacher uses this technique to elaborate and introduce equipment's and devices through narration. As the teacher reaches the climax at a very slow speed in a story, same is the case in narration. However, the difference between storytelling and narration is that graphs, photos, and models are used in description to elaborate the point which is not needed in story telling method.

2. Description technique:

Like narration, verbal image of objects, events or persons also are shaped in description. The two differences are that narration is short and related to the past while description is comparatively large and related to the present. The second difference is that narration is analytical while description is synthesis based. Development of information technology in Pakistan, population explosion, in Pakistan etc. is the examples of description. The advantage of this technique is that students come to know about those objects, events or persons in detail which they have not seen at all, through their eyes directly.

3. Explanation techniques:

Through this technique, concepts are made clear before students in easy language. A teacher needs explanation in teaching all the subjects. A teacher does not sit idle in the class during teaching until he clarifies each and every point to his students. By the explanation of poetry, he makes the language easy for his students and a science teacher makes the laws and principles understandable for his students by explaining the concepts.
 In language teaching, a teacher takes the help of antonyms, synonyms, etymology, bifurcation, actions, use in sentences and examples to make the language easy for his students while in science and social science subjects he uses examples, analysis, comparison, similarities, demonstration etc. to explain laws; principles and concepts. Sometimes, he takes his students to the laboratory too for this purpose and sometimes he takes the help of pictures, diagrams and models. The language that a teacher uses for explanation should be according to the level .of students otherwise this technique will be totally in- effective. Besides he explains laws, principles and concepts to the extent it is needed.

4. Illustration technique:

Those concrete materials with the help of which subject matter is made easy, interesting and understandable to learners are called illustrations. By this technique abstract is presented in the form of concrete material, before the students in such a manner that they come to know the reality of that abstract concept. Illustrations can be of two types-verbal and visual. In verbal illustrations, idioms, phrases, story, drama, simile, metaphor and other verbal form of examples are used to picturize or illustrate the difficult words, concepts laws and principles. A teacher also keeps this fact in mind that illustrations must be given according to the level of language development of students, in visual illustrations, maps, graphs; charts etc. are shown to students. That is why they are also called objective illustrations. The advantage of this technique is that students. Acquire. The -knowledge of other environment with the help of the environment which they have already seen.

5. Exposition technique:

This is also known as integration technique. Through this technique, such points of subject matter are exposed to pupils who have not been made clear 'so 'far by question - answer method. The help of other techniques is also taken while giving exposition and effort is made to keep the language of exposition easy and understandable. Since, doubts and confusions of students are also removed through this technique, so, exposition should not be very short.

6. Supervised study technique:

This technique is based on the principles of individual differences and activity of pupils. Here, teacher instructs his pupils to do self study after the teaching is over and he supervises them as a guide while they are doing so. He also gives them necessary advice's in the middle. This technique is very useful for classroom interaction. Effort is made to give opportunity to progress to backward students especially through this technique. Sometimes help of specialist teachers is also taken here to guide weak students and sometimes the period is divided into two parts. The first part is used for regular 'teaching and the second part is used for supervised study. Teacher also motivates the students here to cooperate with each other to complete the task.

7. Self study technique:

In this technique, the teacher gives some work to his students for self study after the teaching is over. He also gives them some writing works to do to find out to what extent they have followed his order. For example, he asks them to write down the summary of a book after studying it or to write an essay on any topic after consulting several hooks. This technique is especially useful in using problem solving or project methods.

8. Revision technique:

The main purpose of this technique is to point out the important points of the lesson and to give them reinforcement when teaching task is over, in order to achieve the above objectives. He asks some additional questions from his students and revises the important points of the lesson through these questions. The teacher also teaches them to apply the acquired knowledge in new situations with the help of these questions.