Friday, February 22, 2019

Teaching methods strategies

Teaching method is expounded to the presentation of the lesson. Which method of teaching is to be adopted by a teacher to present the lesson depends on the nature of the lesson and the personal ability of the teacher. Teaching methods can be categorized into four categories:

1. Telling methods such as lecture method, discussion method, storytelling method etc.

2. Activity methods such as project method problem solving method etc.

3. Visual methods such as textbook method, demonstration method. Supervised study method.

 4. Mental methods such as inductive and deductive methods, analysis method, synthesis method etc.

Important teaching methods are given below:

1. Story telling method:

In this method, the teacher tells the students the stories depicting light on the lives of great men, scientists, social reformers, saints and rulers. The purpose of these stories is to motivate the students and to develop in them the same qualities which these great men had. These stories are directly or indirectly related to the lesson too. Students listen to these stories very attentively and thus their concentration level is increased through these stories. If teacher is competent enough he can take the students to the world which the story belongs to. To develop the interest in students is another purpose of this method so, stories must be interesting also. Story also increases the vocabulary and thinking power of students.

2. Textbook method:

In this technique, the teacher reads out the book in the class loudly and explains the important points. He also gives the pupils opportunity to read the book loudly and silently to develop their comprehension power. The purpose of this method is to enable his students to have command over the textbook. Since, textbooks are written keeping in view the interest, abilities and needs of pupils, their study suits them very much. Since exercises are also given at the end of each lesson in textbooks, students can also come to know to what extent they have understood and retained them. Since, textbooks develop the understanding ability of pupils; they can understand other subjects also without taking anybody's help.

3. Lecture method:

This is an old and traditional method. In this method, teacher delivers lecture on different points of a topic without taking the help of notes and in order to concentrate the attention of his students, he asks questions several times in the middle. The lecture of the teacher is so logical, systematic and attractive that the whole lesson becomes clear to pupils in no time. Examples are given during lecture to clarify difficult concepts. This is an easy and effective method to introduce a lesson and to complete a lesson in minimum period of time.

4. Demonstration method:

In this technique, the teacher demonstrates all the activities given within the lesson before his students and explains the tough points within the middle through lectures. The advantage of this method is that pupils see everything happening before them in action form and they come to acquire real knowledge without experimentation's. This method is especially useful to teach science subjects.
5. Tutorial method:

In this method, the whole class is divided into different homogeneous small sections on the basis of abilities so that teacher can remove their difficulties by giving them individual guidance. Besides, group teaching is also possible here being the tutorial group homogeneous.

6. Question-answer method:

The Greek philosopher, Socrates is thy: exponent of this method. He believed that knowledge existed in the spirit of humans; He gets it out by questioning, teacher also them new knowledge through these questions, questioning curiosity of pupils on one hand and their comprehension power on other. This also increases the possibility of giving correct respect, by pupils. Questioning also helps the teacher to maintain the class.

7. Discussion method:

In this method, teacher discusses a matter with him pupils on one hand and students discusses the same themselves, discussion is formal. Its objectives and procedure arc predetermined and in informal discussions, nothing is pre-determined and students try to dominate others through logical arguments. Development of leadership quality is the main objective of discussion method. It is because students anchor the discussion themselves. Students criticize each other in discussions. It develops the ability of tolerance in them also. Attitude and aptitude of pupils can also be measured through this method. The major advantage of this method is that it can increase the expression power of students.

8. Heuristic method:

Student acquires the knowledge himself by discovering the facts himself in this method. The teacher raises the problematic situation before the students. He also guides them how to reach the solution of the problem by their respective individual efforts. Students come to the solution through trial and error technique. This is a type of research procedure where hypothesis is formulated first on the basis of the problem. Then data are collected to test the hypothesis. Thus, this method is very suitable to increase the self confidence of pupils because whatever knowledge the pupil acquires is his own effort.

9. Project method:

In this method, such a work is assigned to do to students which are beneficial to them as well as to the society. Students complete the project by working in a group and acquire practical knowledge. When project completes, something comes to scene in concrete form. It means that activity is required on the part of students to produce a fruitful thing.
It is different from heuristic method in the following ways:

i. Group action is needed here to complete the project while pupils work individually in heuristic method.
ii. The problem given in the project is always real while imaginary problems can be given in heuristic method.

10. Discovery method:

It is different from heuristic method in the following ways:

(i) It is used for the facts and concepts related to subjects of social sciences while heuristic method is used to 
     propound new laws and principles of science or to verify them.

(ii) Facts and information’s are explained here in an objective manner while subjectivity of elaboration is seen  
     in heuristic method. It means that everyone may have his own discovery.

(iii) Discovery is related to past incidents while heuristic is related to present.


Discovery method:

"What were the causes of warfare II in Europe". Students will take the help of the library to solve the first problem and they will go to conduct surveys for collecting information in order to solve the second problem.

11. Role playing method:

In this methodology, pupil is asked to play either the role of his teacher or the role of the character that has come in the story to dramatize the story. They additionally indicate mistakes of scholars who play the roles. Through this method, activity of students increases on one hand and their observation power increases on the other. This methodology is particularly employed in teacher coaching establishments. This methodology is helpful to develop social skills and imagination power of scholars.

12. Brain storming:

The assumption of this methodology is that the total cluster will provide a lot of concepts than someone. A problem is nut before the students. Here all the students give their views regarding the causes and remedies regarding the nature and solution of the problem. Out of them suitable views are selected to draw the conclusion. Through this methodology, not solely the thinking power of scholars is developed however new concepts may also be inculcated in them.

13. Seminar:

In this method, all the students are given a problem. All the students work on the problem individually in order to solve it. They bring their solutions in written form. They present their views in the class one by one and the other students listen to these attentively to criticize them later on. Lastly final and decisive views are presented by the teacher on the basis of their views. Students can have to take the help of laboratory and library both in this method.

14. Drill method:

Drill makes the learnt material not only stable but pupils can also use this knowledge or skill into new situations of life. In this method, whatever laws, and principles are taught to students by the teacher they are given drill work on the basis of those very laws and principles. These works are generally done by the pupils in the class itself. While they are doing so, teacher observes them in the class, if a student faces any difficulty at any step of the solution. He is provided immediate help by the teacher. Drill work increases the confidence of students on one hand and develops their activity on the other.

15. Home assignment method:

In order to link the school with home and to drill and fix the acquired knowledge, home 'work is given to students.
Home work may be of the following types:

 (i) Informational:
                                 In such type of home works students are asked to collect some information’s and bring it to the school as home work.

 (ii) Problematic:
                           Problem is given to students to solve it at home. NO Cramming type; Here students are asked to memorize some facts and information’s at home and produce the same orally in the class the next day.

(iii) Study type:
                            In such type of works students are asked to write an essay on any topic after studying certain books.

 (1) Drill type:

                     In such -type of works students are asked to drill some acquired knowledge at home.
                     A teacher keeps the following points into consideration while giving home assignments:
(i)             He should give them such ea home work which can benefit them in their practical life.
(ii)            He should give home assignment to his students after getting them fully motivated.
(iii)           He also ensures that students complete their home work themselves.
(iv)         In order to do a home work, teacher gives instruct to his students in clear language so that students may not have to face any difficulty to do the work properly.
(v)            A teacher should give home assignment to his students keeping in view their respective interest so that they may not feel bored.
(vi)           The home works given to students should be based on their class work.
(vii)          A teacher should give only that amount of home work to his students which they can easily complete. Home assignment is not made a burden on them.
(viii)         Home work should be somewhat challenging to the students also.
(ix)            The home work given to students should be related to theft' life. It must certainly benefit them.
(x)               Home work should increase the rate of learning further.

16. Bloom's mastery learning strategy:

The purpose of this method is to take the students to the level of learning where they are not less than the teacher at least for that lesson. It means mastery of the subject matter is to be developed here. In order to make the students reach to this level, teacher uses all the methods and strategies. In this method, teacher first teaches the class in a normal manner then he conducts the test. Students who score 85% marks or more are considered at mastery level. The remaining students are .then isolated and diagnosed further to know what are their specific problems which hinder them to reach to the mastery level. Then remedial teaching is provided to these students again and further test is conducted. This process goes on till they reach the mastery level.

17. Inductive method:

In this method, laws and principles are derived on the basis of experiences, examples and experiments. Teacher presents such examples before students which they have already come across. Students reach laws, principles and formulae by and by on the basis of these examples. Teacher goes from specific to general here and teaches the students how to generalize the laws or formulae.

Inductive method consists of four stages given below:
(i)            In the first stage the teacher presents the examples before his pupils and comes to the answers with help of pupils.
(ii)                Students observe the procedure of the first stage and draw some conclusions.
(iii)           Students come to laws or formula in the third stage with help of their teacher on the basis of the   conclusion derived in the second stage.
(iv)       In the fourth stage these laws or formula are applied to new situation. This is the stage of  generalization.
18. Deductive method:

When teacher falls short of time, he uses this method. Here laws, principles and formula are taught to students first then problem is solved on the basis them. Here teacher goes from general to specific.

19. Analysis method:

The literal meaning of analysis is to divide into parts. In this method, teacher divides the problem into different parts on the basis of its nature and aspects, and then he teaches each of these segments one by one. It means that he goes from unknown to known or from conclusion to hypothesis. Thus, this method goes ahead along with discovery or heuristic methods. For example, if we are going to teach the lesson 'Akbar' in the class. We will divide the topic into various segments such as his biography, his extension of empire, his religious achievement etc. We will divide each of these segments into sub-segments also. Each of these segments and sub-segments will be taught one by one and finally a hypothesis will be formulated that Akbar was a successful ruler.

20. Synthesis method:

Synthesis means combining small pieces into one and large form in such a manner that some new conclusions can be drawn. In this methodology we have a tendency to go from notable to unknown and from hypothesis to conclusion. Here, teacher presents small pieces of information before his students one by one and then he asks them to draw conclusion on the basis of these information’s. This very method is used in geometry to prove a theorem. It means that students are first made understand what the already known, and then unknown facts are identified on the basis of known facts.
Thus, we can say that analysis is a process of discovering the solution of a problem and in synthesis; different aspects of the problem are combined together in such a manner that students automatically reach the solution. Then this solution is written in a précised form. These two methods are generally used together in a combined manner.

1 comment:

  1. its nice article on teaching methods thanks for publishing it
