Monday, February 25, 2019

principles of teaching and learning

Due to difficulties in the evolution of teaching theories, educationists are mostly concerned with the development of teaching principles rather than theories. These principles are only tested guidelines for a teacher because they are mostly based on learning principles and theories - Important such principles are given below:

Principle of activity:

This principle states that teaching should mostly go in the direction of students' activities, i.e., teacher should get his pupils involved physically in his teaching as much as possible. The knowledge which is gained by the involvement of activities is never forgotten. According to McDonald, every child has some natural instinct of construction. Due to this instinct, he is all the time in action doing one thing or the other. If a teacher does not get him involved in any activity, he will himself do something without purpose. Activities are of two types - mental and physical. Both these activities are important in teaching. However, physical activities are preferred to mental ones. Acquisition of knowledge is already concerned with mental activities. The introduction of physical activities into teaching learning process can be understood with an example. We can forget a story read in a book after one or two years but we do not forget the skill of cycling throughout life after we have learned it once. The reason is that activity is involved in the second type of knowledge. So if a teacher wants to make a knowledge fixed into the minds of learners, he must supplement the theoretical knowledge with the practical one. Even history can be taught by doing activities, i.e., by dramatizing the incident and staging it in the class. Due to the high utility of this principle, many modern methods of teaching- Montessori Method, project method, Kindergarten method etc.

Principle of interest:

According to this principle, a teacher should teach in the class only when students take interest in it. If this interest does not exist, it should be first created from outside by the teacher. Interest in learning can be created in the class in so many ways. Some of them are given below:

(i)            Tell the students the aims of their life.
(ii)           Tell them how useful they are for the country and the society.
(iii)      Develop curiosity of learning in them by asking questions or by presenting problems before them.
(iv)         Clarify the objectives of the lesson before the students.
(v)          Teach the subject matter to students by relating it with their daily life situations.
(vi)      Principle of learning by doing and motivation should be followed. Clear cut relations must be established between content, aims and the pupils. Lesson should be made by using proper material aids, engineering technology and so on.

Principle of linking with life:

It has been seen that every child lives in his own world. Thus, children take interest in those activities and objects only which have direct link with their personal lives. Thus, according to this principle, subject matter should be taught to students only after it has been linked with the daily life of the child. This enables them to learn at faster rate and with ease. The reason for this is =pie enough. When new experiences are integrated with old ones, they also become the part of old experiences. The only problem here is Go if a teacher is fully acquainted with the background of his pupils, say then he can use this principle.

Principle of definite aim:

Teaching objectives must be clear before the teacher prior to teaching because only on the basis of these objectives, selects suitable teaching strategies and techniques. For example, if the purpose of a poetry teaching is the appreciation of the poem, then renunciation and rhythm will be emphasized and if comprehension is aim of poetry teaching, then vocabulary and sense perception will be emphasized. Thus, a teacher must know why he has to do a particular thing in the class before actually doing that activity.

Principle of selection:

Content is selected in the class keeping in view the larger objectives of education. There may be many irrelevant materials in a lesson which are not useful for students. Similarly, many such things may be there in a text book which does not pace with the level of the learner. So, teacher selects only .that part of the subject matter which matches the objectives and is meaningful for learners. For example, if a teacher decides that his students should score 90% marks in the examination, he will, select all those parts which will enable the students to score 90% marks.

Principle of planning:

A teacher must prepare a full plan of the lesson which he is to teach in the class. Planning helps him to identify the expected problems of teaching and selects suitable strategies to overcome them, if "any such problem arises during teaching about which teacher had not even thought of while preparing the lesson plan. This type of problem is solved by the teacher on the basis of his experiences. Planning is actually the name of taking benefit of experiences of others. Good plan means half of the task done.

Principle of division:

If a teacher teaches a lesson after dividing it into different natural parts, his presentation will be effective. But the teacher should keep this fact in mind that every unit of the lesson should be complete in it and should be able to arouse curiosity for learning of next unit. This makes the whole lesson easy and systematic for learners. When a teacher follows this principle, he synthesizes all these units in a logical sequence into a whole also.

Principle of revision:

Whatever lesson is taught to pupils must be revised by them as well. If it is not done, it is forgotten won. Tough subject matter needs more revisions and easy subject matter needs comparatively less revisions. Home work is given to students only on the basis of this very principle.

Principle of democratic dealing:

The behavior of the teacher should be fully democratic in the class. It means that he should give full opportunities to his pupils to develop their self thinking and self expression by respecting their personalities. In a democratic dealing, a teacher: is guided by his students and vice versa. Thus, the teacher develops the lesson with the cooperation of his students. He questions them and answers their queries as well. He also invites them to criticize him at the end of his teaching. All these activities increase the self confidence of his students.

Principle of motivation:

The task of a teacher becomes very easy if he is successful in motivating his pupils for learning. Since, motivation is directly related to needs, teacher must take steps to satisfy their needs to the maximum level possible. Reward and punishment, praise and blame, knowledge of results, arousing and quenching the curiosity of learners, using material aids in teaching, competition, co operations etc. are some important techniques of motivation.

Principle of recreation:

Lengthy and dull teaching tasks bore and frustrate the students and proper enthusiasm on both sides can entertain both of them. In order to reduce fatigue and boredom of students, teaching task is made interesting. A teacher must make his teaching a means of recreation, not a burden on his pupils.
Principle of individual differences:

No two individuals are alike in the world in their abilities and interests. So, teaching work is done keeping in view the individual differences of learners. Thus, a teacher has to satisfy at least four groups of students by his teaching simultaneously.

(i) Superior and talented students.
(ii) Weak and dull students.
(iii) Students of average performance.
(iv) Students with special learning problems.

Principle of remedial teaching:

It has generally been seen that only those students shun the classes who are educationally backward in anyway. Their problem of backwardness lies in defective method of teaching and unsystematic classroom management. A good teacher is one who diagnoses his fault of teaching by applying Standardized tests and adopts remedial measures.

Principle of sympathy:

Those teachers who are sympathetic to their students can easily motivate their students for learning. If a teacher is able to develop a feeling in his students that there is none more sympathetic to them than the teacher, the teacher will always be co operated by his students.