Tuesday, February 12, 2019

English Essay on "Life in a big City" Complete Essay for Class 9, 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘life in a big city’ FROM 450 TO 500 WORDS

Life in most big cities is disgusting and we often hear people exclaiming that they are sick of the confined, cribbed and cabined life of big cities. Life in big cities is artificial and completely cut off from nature. Most romantic poets have desired to escape from the city life, and to live in the lap of nature, because the city life has the glare of neon tubes. Man forgets the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars. William Cowper has correctly remarked,
“God made the country and man-made the town.”
We cannot enjoy life while living in a big city as here it is deprived of real inner ecstasy in spite of the fact that most of the amenities of civil-est life are readily available. City people have to work like slaves, according to fixed routines, as they are mad after the material comforts of life. Sometimes, it may not be a rush for material comforts but even getting the bare minimum necessities make city people lose their peace of mind.

Most of city dwellers have pale faces and sunken eyes and they do not inhale fresh air as they live in congested areas which are further polluted by smoke, dust and grime. City dwellers are selfish, greedy, cunning and crafty. Even they are not aware of their next door neighbor. They must dress well and have polished manners but many of them are selfish creatures who are devoid of the milk of human kindness. Most of them seem to be groaning under the weight of taxes and sex and they live a fever and fret, which makes them suffer from many diseases such as hypertension, heart ailments and diabetes.

Life in a big city is a strange blend of paradoxes. On one hand, they are sky-scrapers and on the other, there are dirty hovels, and affluence and object poverty exist side by side. Posh buildings and restaurants exist side by side with factories emanating smoke. The rich empty their pockets while shopping while the beggars give out heart-rending cries for alms.
Cities are centers of trade, commerce and industry and cities like Karachi and Lahore are full of glitter and glamour. One can have the best possible education in a city. Besides, there are cinema houses, gardens, public parks, zoos, museums, hotels and restaurants. Facilities such as well-equipped libraries, hospitals, dispensaries and specialized medical aid which are easily available in the cities and towns are conspicuous by their absence in villages. There are grand buildings, art galleries and exhibition ground halls in cities and a city dweller can keep themselves busy even by window-shopping. Cities are also the centers of political activities.
To conclude, we may say that life in a big city is a blend of joys and sorrows. It has advantages as well as disadvantages. If all the amenities of life are available in a city, evils like pornography and gambling dens are also there.

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