Wednesday, February 13, 2019

English Essay on "Islamic Brotherhood" Complete Essay for Class 9, 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘Islamic brotherhood’ FROM 325 TO 350 WORDS

Brotherhood means sharing things like brothers. Islamic Community tied together with strong relations of love and gentleness. In the Islamic community the basis of brotherhood is “Iman” (faith). Our Holy Prophet established an Islamic community in his lifetime. He made it best model for others to follow the residents of Madinah who wholeheartedly helped the “Muhajireen”. They welcomed them. There was a need to solve the problems of the “Muhajrin” on permanent basis. Therefore, Our Holy Prophet created a relationship of brotherhood among the “Ansars” and the “Muhajreen”.
The basis of the brotherhood was as follows:-
·         To seek goodness and goodwill for each other.
·         To share the pains and sufferings of each other and to consider the happiness of others as one’s own.
·         To look after the rights of each other.

Islam has stressed on Islamic brotherhood and called all Muslims as brothers to each other. He neither is cruel to him nor he hands him over to a cruel person”.

At essential requirement of Islamic brotherhood is not to consider another Muslim inferior to oneself. One should keep in mind his personal honour, pardon his mistakes and should not disclose his bed deeds to others. The Islamic society formed by our Holy Prophet was based on love and brotherhood amongst Muslims. This society praised kindness and respect for each other. Muslims ignored each other’s faults and practiced tolerance. These are the qualities which create ‘Muslim Ummat’. It becomes a fortress of defence for the enemies.
The Islamic society created by our Holy Prophet had all the qualities of an Islamic brotherhood.
Due to this, small force of Muslims defeated the greatest powers of their systems times and freed the world from cruelties, through Islamic system of justice.
Let us promise to create Islamic brotherhood in our Islamic society. We shall live with love and affection for each other. We shall respect each other. We shall share pains and sufferings of each other. In this, lies our success and solution to all our problems.
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