Tuesday, February 12, 2019

English Essay on "Flattery" Complete Essay for Class 9, 10 & 12.


Flattery lies in tickling or humoring another man’s vanity. Everybody is proud of one thing or the other. Snobs and boastful persons want that others should praise them as they have a very high opinion about themselves.
One can rise in life through flattery. It is a very good investment which brings a good reward. A worker can get quick promotion by flattering his employer. Flattery is food for some bosses and they like to be flattered by their subordinates. Persons in high places have a number of flatterers around them. The more important position a person holds, the larger is the number of flatterers around him. A scholar feels if we praise his scholarship. An athlete feels flattered if we praise his physical prowess. An orator feels flattered if we compliment him on his gift of the gab.

A mother feels flattered if we praise her child. We should be lavish in our praise of others. We should not be half-hearted or Luke warm and must flatter a person enthusiastically and without any reservations.
Women like men to flatter them and the simplest way to flatter women is to tell them that they are very beautiful and intelligent. Even a plain woman likes to be complimented for beauty. If we tell a woman that she is very glamorous, she is sure to like our company. An old woman will feel flattered if we tell her that she is young for her years. Even stern and harsh-looking persons can be won over by flattery. Even Julius Caesar who claimed to hate flatterers, felt most flattered when he was told that he did not like flattery. Before flattering someone we should make sure that he or she is in the right mood. We should not flatter anybody at the wrong occasion.

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1 comment:

  1. I read this essay in B.A part 1 this essay presents real picture of offices
