Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Modern Civilization

The true which means of civilization has not become hundred percent clear despite several centuries of thus known as civilized life. Each nation, or society, calls itself civilized without exactly knowing the real connotation of civilization. Even backward nations have something to fall back upon: they harp upon their 'glorious' past and their heritage in case they cannot boast of any positive achievements in the twentieth century. They credit themselves with non secular metaphysical traits and are at pains to prove their superiority over advanced trendy societies that have worked through 'materialistic' values of life that are beyond their reach. Science, technology and modern inventions are spurned at because they distract their attention from 'other-worldly' pursuits that their respective religious imbibe.

Civilization can note 'culture' and refinement, the qualities of head and heart of man, which lift him above the state of primitive man. It is worthy to check these characteristics of the trendy age with those of earlier ages. There are evident points of contrast, we find. The modern comforts of life which were similarly absent in the other civilizations. The term 'material comforts of life' implies sensible food, sound health, good clothing. Nice shelter, nice company, a high standard of living as well as peace and security are considered more important than the aspects related to spiritual pursuits which are intended to lead to peace and happiness of the soul, so elevating it to smart hood.

In modern civilization the pursuit of material wealth, rather than spiritual, has became an all-engrossing, all-embracing, pursuits. Wordsworth known as this state of affairs that were quick absorbing industrial European nation within the nineteenth century in his stunning sonnets:- "The World is much"; per him, material wealth is a 'lorded boon' to which ml have given 'our hearts away'. Earning and spending have become all M. Important occupations of man. Nevertheless, this pursuit of material values of life is considered a healthy activity that leads to the promotion of inflow Les and employment. It ends up in the overall increase within the national dividend and utilization of the resources of country for the satisfaction of the varied needs of its voters. This very "sordid" pursuits goes 10 provide for employment to workmen, facilities to business for investment and expansion of productive activities and thereby revenue to the state. In modern civilization, a factory giving employment to a few thousand people is considered to be a wiser national investment than the *ping up of a poorhouse which may provide just food associated shelter to an equal variety.

The next important characteristic of modern civilization is the importance given to one's appearance, thus forgetting that appearances are idols deceptive. A person is judged by the dress he wears his general deportment and also the connections he has instead of the intrinsic qualities he could possess. The advanced Western nations have contributed to the influx of sex and sexual activity within the trendy society.

We can notice quite a few other characteristics of modern civilization in the context of our society. Education has come back to play a big role in person's life; it’s now not the domain of the privileged few. Opportunities are offered to each individual to coach him and his issues as mental object and illiteracy have had their sway over the plenty list centuries and their evil effects are too well known to be by passed. Elementary education is provided freed from price to any or all those that are willing to learn, community. 

The people are now conscious of their freedom and are enlarging their outlook from the narrow bounds of their castes, creed, religion are community. The is not far off when a national barrier will also be a hindrance in the live and creative thinking of the modern man.There is urgency in the common man to-day which impels to take an active interest in the happening around him. International cooperation and co-existence is being practiced all around. The advanced nations are quick returning to the rescue of their less lucky brethren, thus fastening common global ties. Modern civilization has given an impetus to a feeling of fellow sympathy and brotherhood among the various peoples.

With the broadening of outlook, modern civilization has strengthened the bounds of nationalism and inter-nationalism at the expense of family ties. The old joint-family system is going away. Relationships except when they are from the direct line, are loosening their grip. The family is currently narrowing down and it includes solely man, wife and their children. Family planning has led to the thinning of the family and very seldom do modern parents have more than two or three children compared to the average of eight to ten kids for family some decades past. The joint family that housed along 100& 100 members with the four walls of one house and stood firm sort of rock against shocks and setbacks has been shifting into variety of little families living individually typically from hand to mouth and with no stamina or protection, from misfortunes or distress or illness. The solid and powerful responsibilities that the joint family system  aren’t any  longer to be seen within the trendy society wherever  the pinnacle of the tiny nuclear family has to fight his method on an individual basis, void of the robust protection of the united living of an out sized large joint family.

Despite these handicaps, modern civilization may be considered superior to any better than the older civilization in many ways. Science and technology have brought individuals along by speedy suggest that of transport and communication, thereby the minds and thinking of human individuals, closer. Whereas man has gained an individual freedom, his common existence has been bound strongly with other human beings.

If human race is in a position to try to some constructive thinking within the direction of removal of content, illiteracy, want, difference and injustice and if it also can forestall the scourge of future wars, modern civilization would be something really to be proud of, we would have achieved a miracle that has been man's ideal since the millennium. Although scientific progress in Asian nation isn’t nonetheless up to the mark, it can be safely predicted that Pakistan is now taking her legitimate place as a civilized and developing nation, .though she remains way behind within the race of progress and scientific advancement, the actual fact cannot be denied that Asian nation is currently one in every of the necessary state of the world.