Sunday, March 17, 2019

English Essay on "My Neighbour" Complete Essay for junior & Senior Class Students.

We can opt for our friends however not our neighbours. We have to measure with our neighbours whether or not we have a tendency to like them or not. However, good neighbours are blessing of God. Happy is the man who has good neighbours. I am such a happy man. I have the simplest relations with my immediate neighbours. There has never been any trouble between us. Our life has been smooth and peaceful. We have lived in harmony for years.
I have several neighbours, but the best among them is Mr. Khalid Naeem Bhatti who is my next-door neighbour. Never was there a better man. He belongs to a noble family. He is full of life zest. He has no selfishness in him. He is a good-natured man. His manners are full of charm and sweetness. He treats all with a smiling face. He is always polite and courteous. I have never found him exchanging a harsh word A with any-body. He has two sons and three daughters. His children are obedient and respectful to him. They are very intelligent. They are getting education. They are well-behoved. His wife is an equally excellent woman.

My neighbour has a lovely heart and sympathetic attitude. His treatment with his neighbours is admirable. He shares their joys and sorrows. He is full of sympathy for everyone. He has always been helpful to me. Whenever I have had any trouble he has come to help me without any asking for it. He is not narrow-minded. If he does a good turn to me, he ever shows it off. He never mentions. He does not expect any thanks. He does his good turn and forgets it altogether cries. I am always thankful to him but I do not express my thanks because he dislikes such display. We understand each other well. He knows how thankful I feel and he also knows that I would never keep back from giving any help if I can.
My neighbour is a hospitable fellow. He is very sociable person. He has many friends. He has excellent   relations with all his neighbours as well as his relatives. Most of his friends visit him off and on. I have never seen a frown on his face in spite of the large number of visitors he receives. You would come away with the feeling that he was very happy because of your visit. I often visit his house and he also comes to mine.
My neighbour is a man of parts. He is a man of great honesty. I have found him equally conscientious, if in his dealings with every-body. He never cheats anybody of what is due to him. He is a good pay-master. He is an optimist by nature and he never worries himself over trifles. He encompasses a outstanding sense of humour and he gets on well along with his neighbours. The greatest quality in him as a neighbour is his kindness. He is always ready to suffer some inconvenience himself if he is able to save his neighbour from it. In short he has proved himself to be what a good neighbour should be.

1 comment:

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