Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Fortune -Teller

A fortune-teller is a common sight in Pakistan. We find him in villages as well as in towns and cities. He is a very clever man. His dress is poor but he keeps it clean. In cities he sites near the main offices and on footpaths. A small sign-board before him tells what he is. He has some old books, cards and a pencil with him. He claims that he knows the fortune of everyone who comes to him.

Some fortune-tellers have very trained parrots. In fact, the parrot is the real fortune-teller who never picks up the wrong card. As soon as a client is trapped the parrot picks up one of the cards. It gives the card to the fortune-teller and gets something to eat. The particular card picked up by the parrot will declare, "You are a very lucky man. The darkest period of your life is over. The fortune-teller reads the hopeful words written on the card and charges his fee. The poor fellow loses his money but gets nothing.

The fortune-teller is a big fraud. He is a very clever person. He cleverly traps the simple people and be fools them. He pretends to know the movement of stars and their influence on people's lives. He knows to satisfy his customers because he knows something abut the human psychology. Simple people believe in astrology. He amuses them with his oily tongue He also reads the palm on and asks some clever questions. The answers give him a clear understanding of what his client really wants to hear. He sometimes draws a horoscope on a slate, impresses the simple persons and charges ten to fifty rupees as his fee from them.

Villagers and womenfolk are his victims GO. He shows them a bright future and they are fully satisfied with his remarks. When he has no client he reads the newspaper of the previous day. When the weather is unpleasant, he has to stay at home. He must be feeling miserable as he cannot earn even a rupee on such a day.

The question is why people go to the fortune-teller. I think some people of then go to the fortune-teller because they are not sure of themselves. When a fortune-teller tells them that they are the most fortunate persons, they get a great satisfaction and pleasure. It is a human nature that one will be happy after hearing such words. To some drowning persons he serves as a straw. The illiterate poor folk feel satisfied when he tells them that they will have a job, a wife, a son, a house, a 12-acre farm or a tractor. But we can't say that only block-headed fools go to the fortune-teller. A deep observation tells us that even most educated and wise persons consult their fortune with a fortune-teller sometimes. It is because everybody needs him sometimes in his life. Some people go to him just for fun only. He can deceive you in such a way that you may be sure of what he is saying. In short, the professional Fortune-teller should not be allowed to deceive the poor people.

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