Sunday, February 17, 2019

Short Essay on "Democracy" Complete Essay for Class 9, 10 & 12.

ENGLISH ESSAY ‘democracy’ FROM 400 TO 450 WORDS

Democracy has been outlined because the government of the folks, by the folks and for the folks. This type of government was set up in Pakistan after independence.
After setting up the democratic form of government, people thought that Pakistan would become a paradise and the country would regain its past glory. Unemployment, disease, poverty and starvation would be eliminated lock, stock and barrel. Unfortunately, the hopes of people have been bellied. Fifty seven years after independence, sixty per cent of the people in Pakistan live below poverty line. Rising prices, corrupt and inefficient government machinery has made the life of the poor people a nightmare. We hear of starvation deaths in certain parts of the country. We hear of people feeding on garbage in other parts of the country. We hear of people looting banks, buses, snatching cellular’s ladies purses, motorbikes and cars every day. We also hear of people committing suicides helplessly.
No government after independence has been able to relieve the miseries of the common man. The leaders of democracy must hang their heads in shame as they have brought the country to economic ruin. People have lost their faith in democracy and they freely say that ministers, legislators, bureaucrats, inspectors and clerks are looting the country and there is no one to check them.

There are several reasons for which people of Pakistan have got disillusioned with the functioning of democracy. Many illiterate people do not know for whom to cast their vote. They vote for a person who either bribes them or who belongs to their caste or religion. Soon after independence, many new departments of the government were set up and they have become dens of corruption. Some misguided persons are of the view that in a democracy, one is free to do whatever one likes. The result is mal-administration, regionalism and provincialism. People have forgotten the country and they place their own interests above those of the country.
The functioning of democracy in Pakistan has not been very successful. Our successive governments have been characterized by two factors minus efficiency and plus corruption. The common man is utterly disillusioned. There is complete lack of honest leadership. Promises of many leaders to bring in socialism have proved false. One wonders how to administration of this most corrupt democracy is running. May be it is the best form of government for those ministers who are ruling and looting the country. We need some very honest leaders who can revitalize the decaying and crumbling edifice of Pakistani democracy which is stinking with political opportunism, corruption, bungling and many other evils.

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