Friday, August 9, 2019


As the Cold War was drawing to an end, various intellectuals had undertaken the task of explaining and predicting post-Cold War global politics. Fukuyama and Samuel P Huntington were such eminent scholars. Fukuyama wrote his thesis, End of History, declaring the triumph of the ideologies of Liberal democracy forever. According to him, now the war of ideologies is over and there is no rival ideology of liberal democracy. His argument becomes susceptible to criticism today when the whole Western world is at war with the ideology of “terrorism”.

Some years later in 1993, Samuel P Huntington wrote his article, “The Clash of Civilization?” in the magazine Foreign Affairs. It was the most reputed and thought-provoking piece of writing published in that distinguished magazine since George Kennan’s article, The sources of Soviet conduct, published in July 1947. Huntington later on elaborated those very arguments in his book titled, the clash of Civilizations and the remaking of World order.

Huntington observes that for a century and a half following the nailing down of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, conflicts used to occur largely among princes and these conflicts led to the creation of nation states. After the French Revolution, the principle lines of conflict shifted between nations rather than princes. The end of this 19th century pattern coincides with the end of the First World War. Then in the wake of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the conflict of nation states yielded to the conflict of ideologies. Since the demise of the communist ideology, the configuration of global politics along cultural lines in underway. Huntington says, “In the 20th century, the relations among civilizations have thus moved from a phase dominated by the unidirectional impact of one civilization on all others to one of intense, sustained and multi-directional interactions among all civilizations.” He contends that local politics is the politics of ethnicity, global politics is the politics of civilization and the rivalry of superpower is replaced by the clash of civilizations.

According to Huntington, a civilization is a cultural entity. Huntington designates religion to be the most important of the entire objective elements that define a civilization, to a very large degree, the major civilizations in human history have been closely identified with the world’s greatest religion and people who share ethnicity and language but differ in religion may slaughter each other, as happened in Lebanon and the Subcontinent. Huntington divides civilizations, Hindu, Islamic, Western, Latin American and African. Some analysis does not recognize the Japanese and African civilizations as distinct civilizations. He puts forward the following reasons for the inter-civilization conflict.

The increasing interactions among people of different civilizations are intensifying civilization consciousness and awareness of differences and commonalities amongst civilizations. According to Huntington, the enhancement of civilization consciousness of people due to interactions among people of different civilizations, in turn, invigorates differences and animosities stretching back deep into history.

During the Cold War a country could be non-aligned or it could change its alignment from one side to the other. The leaders of countries could make these choices in terms of their perceptions of their security interests, their calculation of the balance of power, and their ideological preferences. In the new world that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, cultural identity is the central factor in shaping a country’s associations and antagonisms. The question asked during the Cold War, “which side are you on?” has been replaced by a more fundamental question now, “Who are you? Every state has to have an answer. The 1990s have witnessed the eruption of the global identity crises. In coping with the identity crises what counts for the people are blood and belief, faith and family? Modernization taking place in non-Western societies is leading towards cultural resurgence in those societies. Modernization brings changes at the individual’s level, as well as social level. At the societal level, it increases the economic, military and potential power while at the individual level it leads to alienation and identity crises. Both of these changes contribute in bringing religious, as well as cultural resurgence. Huntington observes that spurred by modernization, global politics is reconfigured along cultural lines. People and countries with similar cultures are coming together and those with different cultures are coming apart. Alignment defined by ideology and superpower relations is given way to alignments defined by culture and civilizations.

The fundamental clash, according to Huntington, will be between the West on one side and the Sinic and Islamic civilization on the other. The conflict along the fault lines between Western and Islamic civilization has been going on for 1300 years. There are various factors that have contributed in intensifying the Islam-West conflict in the late 20th century.

·       A surge in population growth in the Muslim countries led to unemployment in these societies and the youth became recruits to Islamist causes.

·  Islamic resurgence – an offshoot of “back to the roots” phenomenon created culture consciousness among the Muslims more vigorously than at any other time in history.

·   The west is trying to universalize its value and impose them on other countries, including Muslims, while relaxing its economic and military muscles, but at the same time the West is not realizing the decline in its capability to do so or increase in the power of other societies to resist any such attempt.

But if we take a down –to-earth analysis of this theory, we will find various flaws that render its validity and application in the present era in doubt. But while comparing these two situations, he over looked the basic point that the period of the Allies. Soviet pact was the period of “ideologies” that today is over. Besides this, his contention of Islamic Chinese cooperation negates his very thesis that now there is grouping in the world along cultural lines.

Second, MK palat observes that the weakest point of ‘clashing civilizations’ theory is the confusion of civilization as power bloc. Akbar S Ahmad said, “The Muslim world seems to be torn between those who would shake heaven and earth to get a green card and become Americans and those shake heaven and the earth to damage and destroy American. Thus why were the relations between Islam and the West stormy in the 11th century when there was no modernization process and thus culture consciousness?

Fourth, Huntington himself concedes the fact that there is no core state in the “Islamic World”. Thus the absence of leadership will be followed by the absence of organization to act in concert against the Western civilization.

Fifth, according to Samuel, religion is the most significant of all the objective elements defining civilization. But Bangladesh’s secession from Pakistan was connected with language and politics and not religion.

Sixth, Amartya Sen in his essay titled “A world not neatly divided” attacks Huntington’s theory by giving the example of movements that involve people without any distinction of culture, language or politics. He cites an example of anti globalization protesters whose movement includes all the poor people across borders, regardless of territorial boundaries or any other barrier.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Application for the post of personal secretary female computer operators wanted jobs

Application for lady-secretary-male-female-computer-operators-wanted_jobs
Miss Marium,

Samanabad, Lahore.

May 3, 2019
The Manager,

 Messrs. Haq & Co,



Dear Sir,

I perceive from an ad printed within the Asian Nation Rites that you simply need the service of telephone operator cum receptionist from Gregorian calendar month onward. I herewith provide my services for constant post.

I am a Graduate from the Punjab University and know Punjabi, English and Urdu very fluently. I qualified this examination in the first Division in 200 I have got a good academic record.

After passing my master degree, I served as a telephone Operator cum receptionist in Messrs. Salman and Co. Lahore for period of two years where after I left the job due to family circumstances as my brother was transferred to Islamabad. But he has been transferred back now to Lahore. I am continuing operating in an exceedingly firm within the higher than aforesaid capacity.

Family compulsions have again compelled me to get a job at Lahore, where all of us propose to settle permanently. I contacted my previous employers, however sadly there’s no vacancy of that kind at this time and someone person has been operating within the same capacity.

I am a missy of twenty five years having a delightful temperament. I am enclosing herewith a copy of the testimonial issued to me by my previous employer for ready reference. Furthermore I am causation two passport size images (as mentioned in your advertisement).

I may assure you that if I am given a change, I'll do my utmost to discharge my duties satisfactorily.

I hope that you will be kind enough to do this favor to me.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,



1. Copy of B.A. Degree.
2. Two passport size photographs.
3. A testimonial issued by the previous employer. (Attested copy)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A Visit to a Hill Station Essay

It is quite hot in Multan during the summer season. June and July are the hottest months. Heat wave lashes the people and even claims a few lives. People remain indoors lest they should suffer a heat-stroke. The schools and colleges are closed down and the students are given summer vacation. It enables them to make a trip out of Multan. When heat becomes unbearable in Multan, people think of spending some days at some hill station. There is no dearth of hill station in Pakistan. The most popular hill stations are Murree, Swat, Naran in the kaghan Valley, etc.

Last year, we planned a visit to Naran in the Kaghan Valley during the summer vacation. As there is unprecedented rush of people going to hill station, we got our seats reserved in advance by Khyber Mail in second class two tiers sleeper compartment. We boarded the train at Multan and reached Rawalpindi next morning. The real journey was quite comfortable. We slept well.

From Rawalpindi we boarded a bus bound for Balakot. The journey from Rawalpindi to Balakot is very pleasant because one can see beautiful scenery on both sides of the road. We passed by Jangal Mangal and Jabba, over 20 Kilometres from Mansehra. Around Jabba, there was a thick forest. We were spellbound by its natural beauty. In fact, the beauty of the landscape was simply breathtaking. The journey by bus was however, tiring because there were very sharp hairpin turns on the Batrasi road.

The hills around looked beautiful with clouds clung their top. There was a rope bridge over the Kunhar near Shoham. It was a beautiful scene. We took a number of snaps of the scene.
 At Balakot, there was a noise of rushing river water. It was really strange experience to hear that noise. You could find that noise, no matter where you were. The noise was everywhere. If you were in a mosque, in a shop or on the road, the noise dominated everywhere. When I was trying to have a sleep in the hotel, I was still conscious of that particular noise. The next day we went to the outskirts of Balakot and we visited Shah Ismail Shaheed's grave there.

Next day we left for Kaghan. The road to Kaghan was in a bad shape. It was high in the upper half of the high mountain slope and the river Kunhar looked like a ribbon far belows. The driver has to be expert because he has to negotiate sharp turns every now and then. One gets bumps and jerks all the way.

Naran is 7,890 feet above sea-level. Logs were floating in the river. The water of the lake was fresh, cool and clear. We were told that the water of this lake, if taken regularly, can help in improving the health. We not only tasted the water but also brought some in our flasks. The lake is 10,537 feet above sea-level and over 12 kilometres from Naran. We returned to Multan after spending one month in the Kaghan Valley.

Though the visit was only for one month, yet it improved my health a lot. I will never forget this visit for the beautiful valley Kaghan.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Visit to a historical place

A visit to a historical place is a happy experience. It gives us a chance to glimpse into the past. Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world visit Pakistan to have a glimpse of its important historical places.
Last week, I and my friend Arshad made up our minds to pay a visit to the tomb of Jahangir. It is a place of historical interest. My friend had brought his scooter. We left for the historical place with joy. We reached there after half an hour. The tomb of Jahangir was before us. We were happy to see it.
First of all, we had a look at the tomb of Jahangir and were enchanted by its beauty. Jahangir's Tomb is at Shandara. Shandara is four miles away from Lahore, on the other side of the river Ravi. The four tall minarets of the place will be seen from a distance.
We bought tickets and entered the main gate. The main gate is tall and strong. It is made of red sand stone. The grand building surrounded an area of about two acre. There are gardens all around. There are evergreen trees along the pathway that leads to the main building in the tomb.

We were much impressed by the artistic qualities of Mughal architects. The tomb was in front of us. It was built of white marbles. Red sand stones were use here and there. Brown and blue marbles were also freely brought into use. It was indeed a beautiful piece of architecture in the world. Its workmanship is superb. It holds the visitors spellbound.
After walking a little, we reached the tomb itself. It is a low, large and magnificent edifice. Jahangir, the great Mughal Emperor, sleeps in an inner room. There is nothing to disturb him now. The tomb is built with coloured bricks and marble. On the of the tomb, there are beautiful coloured designs. We offered Fateha and Hess is soul. Then we climbed up one of the minarets. We could see the whole of the city of Lahore. It was a wonderful sight. It filled our hearts with pleasure. After sometiirics, we came down. It was 2 P.M. and we were extremely tired. We were feeling hungry. We, therefore, sat down in a park under a shady tree. We took our dry lunch which we had brought with us. Thereafter we have a tendency to took tea from a close-by eating house there. After taking rest for a while, we visited each and every part superb piece of art. We were deeply impressed to see this work of profound and art skill.
It was now getting dark. We returned home, tired but happy. Our visit to Jahangir's Tomb was very rewarding. Seeing believes. Who enjoyed the visit very much? It was our lingering visit to the historical place. It will always remain fresh in our minds.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A visit to a museum

A museum is an important place where we keep in safe custody valuable things of the past. These things tell North American nation however our forefathers lived and worked. A repository may be a terribly attention-grabbing place wherever we are able to see a group of rare things and things of historical interest. It is a house of all valuable je and wonderful things. We study the recent things there and that we return to understand abundant of our history and culture of bygone ages. We see all things of past and present at one place.

Last Sunday my father took Pine Tree State to the Lahore repository. It is one of the best museums in Pakistan. It is situated in front of the Punjab University Hall on the Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam. There are different rooms for different things.
At first we tend to saw the photographs of recent kings, saints and statesmen. These footage were drawn by the artists of the past. Toys and alternative things of wood were terribly stunning.

Then we tend to saw the pottery of Multan, the woodwork of Gujranwala, the shawls of Kashmir, cutlery of Wazirabad and the beautiful carpets of Karachi. There was conjointly an oversized assortment of recent daggers, shields, weapons swords and ornaments made of gold and silver. The ornaments were nicely arranged in glass cases. The swords and daggers were made of stainless steel Clothes and dresses of ancient times were very strange. We also saw costly Lung is from Peshawar. I was very happy to see all this.

After this we saw old coins. I could not read what was written on the coins. Then we saw precious stones. They were kept very safe. We also saw there many books written by hand. Their paper was not fine. Then we saw wonderful things dug out/up from Taxila or the Swat Valley. Their bodies were filled with cotton and dry grass. All these things gave us a wealth of information and insight.

A visit to museum is very instructive. Everybody likes to visit the museum because it is an education itself. Many people come from abroad to study the past history and discover many things which are ordinarily art unknown to the common man. Women and children also go to the museum in large number every day. Many writers on history visit museum to see such things there as they throw light on the various facts of the past. Students and research scholars generally visit the museum to make researches on the subject of study. Undoubtedly a museum is used to preserve the old civilization and culture.
We unbroken on taking possession the repository quite 2 hours. There were many other things to see. But we were tired. We returned home full of joy and happiness. It was an informative and rewarding visit indeed.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Fortune -Teller

A fortune-teller is a common sight in Pakistan. We find him in villages as well as in towns and cities. He is a very clever man. His dress is poor but he keeps it clean. In cities he sites near the main offices and on footpaths. A small sign-board before him tells what he is. He has some old books, cards and a pencil with him. He claims that he knows the fortune of everyone who comes to him.

Some fortune-tellers have very trained parrots. In fact, the parrot is the real fortune-teller who never picks up the wrong card. As soon as a client is trapped the parrot picks up one of the cards. It gives the card to the fortune-teller and gets something to eat. The particular card picked up by the parrot will declare, "You are a very lucky man. The darkest period of your life is over. The fortune-teller reads the hopeful words written on the card and charges his fee. The poor fellow loses his money but gets nothing.

The fortune-teller is a big fraud. He is a very clever person. He cleverly traps the simple people and be fools them. He pretends to know the movement of stars and their influence on people's lives. He knows to satisfy his customers because he knows something abut the human psychology. Simple people believe in astrology. He amuses them with his oily tongue He also reads the palm on and asks some clever questions. The answers give him a clear understanding of what his client really wants to hear. He sometimes draws a horoscope on a slate, impresses the simple persons and charges ten to fifty rupees as his fee from them.

Villagers and womenfolk are his victims GO. He shows them a bright future and they are fully satisfied with his remarks. When he has no client he reads the newspaper of the previous day. When the weather is unpleasant, he has to stay at home. He must be feeling miserable as he cannot earn even a rupee on such a day.

The question is why people go to the fortune-teller. I think some people of then go to the fortune-teller because they are not sure of themselves. When a fortune-teller tells them that they are the most fortunate persons, they get a great satisfaction and pleasure. It is a human nature that one will be happy after hearing such words. To some drowning persons he serves as a straw. The illiterate poor folk feel satisfied when he tells them that they will have a job, a wife, a son, a house, a 12-acre farm or a tractor. But we can't say that only block-headed fools go to the fortune-teller. A deep observation tells us that even most educated and wise persons consult their fortune with a fortune-teller sometimes. It is because everybody needs him sometimes in his life. Some people go to him just for fun only. He can deceive you in such a way that you may be sure of what he is saying. In short, the professional Fortune-teller should not be allowed to deceive the poor people.

Monday, March 18, 2019

A True Muslim

To be a decent Muslim is, indeed, an excellent blessing of Allah. The follower of Islam is called a Muslim. A true Muslim encompasses a firm belief in Allah and His last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). He believes that Allah is that the lightweight of heaven and earth. It is his religion that Allah is that the Creator of everything within the universe and is that the Lord of the Day of Judgment. He believes that Allah is responsive to his doing and actions. He avoids evil actions as a result of he is aware of that he are going to be command in command of his deeds. He fears solely from Allah and doesn’t do something wrong. It is his belief that Allah is Omni-present and all-power.

A true Muslim leads a straightforward and pure life. He earns his livelihood through honest means and is contented with it. He controls his desires. He does not beg for things. He does not bring down his self-respect. He spends his life according to the teachings of Islam. He invariably bows his head before Allah all told the matters of his life. He reads the Holy al-Qur’an and feels an excellent joy. He gives alms to the poor. He is smart deep down, faithful his word and honest within the performance of his duties. He is not frightened of something except Allah and will what’s right. He offers prayers frequently, keeps fast gives Zakat and performs Hajj. He believes in the Day of Judgment and the life hereafter.

A true Muslim has been regard for his neighbours. He never wills something that goes against their interests He respects their rights. He shares their joys and sorrows. He is interested in their welfare and happiness. He will his best to assist them where he will. He is always prepared to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of his neighbours. He is well-behaved. He is graceful in everything that he does. He tries to be sweet to others. He is not selfish. As far as possible he helps his neighbours in the time of need. He is not petty-minded. If he does a good turn to one of his neighbours, he never shows it off. He never mentions it. He will his turn and forgets it altogether.

A true Muslim seeks information and acts upon it. He leads a lifetime of diligence, discipline and deep study. He educates his children and develops them into good citizens. He tries to; A ate a healthy atmosphere in his family. He is invariably respectful to the elder and sort to the younger. He solves his issues terribly in a very intelligent manner. He tries his best to grasp what’s happening within the country. Item is clean and pure in thoughts and deeds. There is no distinction between his actions and preaching. He is fearless and courageous. He always, speaks the truth: He will his duty honestly.

A true Muslim takes guardianship of the rights of his fellow being. He does not deceive others. He always speaks gently and politely. He is sincere, true and kind at heart. He wins the hearts of others by his good dealings Lilt-I He always fulfills his promise. He is person naturally and never worries himself over trifles. He is a person of rare qualities of head and heart. He is a symbol of, integrity and honesty. Even his worst enemies admit that he is UN purchase able. He is reliable, lovable and sociable. He guides and directs his fellow being to try to the proper. Consideration for others is that the main aim of his life. In short, he proves himself to be what a real Muslim ought to be.